Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Reformat My Life

Welcome to Reformat my Life!

This blog is several things. A checklist, a how to, a place for musings, a means to tell my stories, and a way to keep me accountable for my reformat.

But what is this "Reformat" I'm talking about?

The concept arose when I was talking with my friend about a move home that I was making. I explained that I needed some time to "hit the reset button."

"Reformat," he offered.

"Yeah! That's a lot better 'cause I don't know if I want to use the same operating system... At least not the same version."

And so, it was decided I would reformat and that we were huge nerds.

At 21, I've been away from home for several years now. I've bounced around locations and universities for much of the time. Most of it was spent in Austin, several hundred miles away from my family, in Alabama, but right where my heart is. There are few things I don't love about Austin: the friendly people, the way the city is tucked right into hill country, the fashions, trends, foods... pretty much everything.

It's not that I have a problem with living there that I left. It's like when people break up with someone by saying, "It's not you, it's me." The problem, is that I'm unable to live the way I want at the moment. I'm not free to explore the city I love so much without putting a huge strain on myself in other areas of my life and I'm not able to fix those areas of my life without ignoring the things I love.

So, instead, I decided to take a break from many of the things that, while they bring me immense joy and pleasure, keep me from progressing as a more complete person. I have been unable to create the important habits in my day to day life that will let me be infinitely more successful in whatever I attempt.

Last night, I made it home. Home, being Dothan, Alabama. I say home, not in the "Home is where the heart lies," sense, because my heart lies in Austin's intense heat and wonderful creeks; nor do I say it in the "this is where I grew up" sense, because that in part falls on Austin and in part various other towns in Alabama; I say home in the "I'm with my family" sense.

This sense of home is something I've missed out on since just after turning 17. Waking every morning and being around people who love and care about me. I'm here with my mother, step-father, and little brother. They are substituting Austin and all the people there whom I love for now. And, despite a mixture of reactions from others, I think this substitution will be all I need to sustain me for the time being.

The time being, is anywhere from 4 to 6 months. I believe this will give me ample time to build new habits and get in a mental state that will sustain me as I go back out on my own and pursue whatever it is I decide to pursue.

So there it is and here I am. I'll have another post by week's end with more details on what I want to accomplish. Need to do a little thinking and put pen to paper so to speak for my goals and then do a little thinking on what steps I need to take to accomplish them. As well as my personal goals, I'll brainstorm the formatting for the blog; how I want to categorize posts, whether I want it to be more self-help oreinted, for others who may be experiencing some of the same things, whether I want to use it specifically to keep myself accountable for my actions (this ones doubtful), etcetera, etcetera.

Check back in a few days, subscribe, do what you gotta do. I'd love support and suggestions in my endeavors and I'll try to reward you readers with my own progress, stories, and tips.

So there it is and here I am. (I like that.)


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