Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Falling Off the Horse

I've fallen off the horse lately.

I haven't worked on my site in at least a week, I think more like two. Today was the first time I went to the gym in two weeks. I stopped using Simple.ology (about the same time I stopped doing everything else.)

It's been 75% bad, I'd say. The 25% that I'm riding on is the few things I've started in the last week:

Writing. I've written four or five pretty complete songs, a similar number of incomplete ones, a few poems, and a short story.

Reading. I read a book for the first time in months (not including a couple of books on tape, but I'm not counting that.) It was Gardens of the Moon, the first in a fantasy series that I'm now going to have to finish. I loved it. Great characterization, great story, amazing history, and really well written. I'm only expecting it to get better.

Guitar. It's going slowly, but still going. There's so much to learn and I really don't know where to start. I'm learning some chords that I've made flash cards for. Think I've got 8/10 of them down. I'll add more soon. Really need to work on transitioning from one to the next... Develop a system to move from every chord to every other one. I'll get some pointers from my little brother this weekend when he comes in.

Edit: I'm actually doing really well with this. A lot farther than I ever got in my previous attempts at guitar already.

But, while all that is well and fantastic. I need to get back on the horse with my other things. I worked out again today, nothing like that soreness. Going to keep on that bandwagon, it'll make me feel better emotionally as well.

I need to keep a positive attitude as well. I get upset for very, very, very, silly reasons sometimes. I was positively FUMING last week when Auburn lost a football game. There's no reason for me to get so upset about something so absolutely trivial. It has no direct impact on my life. Why would I let that bother me? Never again.

So that's a bit of the this and that of where I am right now. I'm figuring out some priorities and shifting them around a bit. I won't be happy until I've figured out what's really important and focus on those things.

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