Friday, October 3, 2008

Getting It Right the First Time

Not going to be a big post today, I just spent an hour writing something that was really unhappy with. I'll come back to that story later, but not until I have time to make it not suck.

I guess that contradicts my post title a bit, but that's not I want to talk about...

Continuing in the theme of the week, I'm talking about my site. I'm peer testing the design a lot. Most major changes I run by people to get their opinion. The more feedback I get on it now, the fewer changes I have to make on it in the future when it'll be harder to change.

I'm taking advice on ideas, two of the best changes I've made have come at others' suggestions.

So continuing in that vein, here's what I've got as of today.

Click for larger view.

The navigation bar going across the top is going to be cut and I'm going to have the tabs be the nav bar. They're choppy now, but I just wanted to get an idea of how it'd look before I spent the time making them look great.

The big bubbles in the middle will be News/Featured Stories type things. Not sold on that layout.

But that's that. Tell me what you think, what you think I should change, what could be more clear, what I could add. Thanks a bunch.

Now it's back to work. Or maybe food...

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