Sunday, October 12, 2008

Somethin' Don't Feel Right, Doc

Our current societal system is broken.

I wanted that to be a big impacting sentence that just resonates with you. Some truth that you've always known was there, but never put to words. Like the laws of physics.

I don't think it was. But that might be because it's not something that I'm just realizing.

I guess it isn't completely broken (though a look at the last week's stock markets might tell a different story). But it doesn't work the way it should.

It's like bad sex: It only cares about getting itself off. Not everyone involved. The result is that someone isn't satisfied with the process.

I'm that someone. Society and the way our society operates, at large, doesn't get me off. I don't feel that the American way, and probably the western way, is designed to make me happy. Here's what I mean...

When you're a kid, everyone you ever speak to says "You can be whatever you want."

You want to be an astronaut? Well we can never have too many Neil Armstrongs!

Cowboy? Well that's just fine with me pard'ner!

Police officer? I'll sure feel safe with you on the streets!

You hear that all the time growing up. "You can be whatever you want." Until it actually becomes time to grow up. Then, suddenly, your paths become limited. There is a set path to walk down, you find. You have to graduate high school. Then, you go to college.

But why?

Well, son. You go to college so you can get a good job.

But why?

Well, that way you'll be able to support yourself and your wife and your children.

But why?

So that you'll be able to put them through college and retire when you're 65.

But why?

Because that's just what you're supposed to do.

Now I'm going to impart some knowledge that I learned recently. It's one of the most important things I've ever learned and I hope anyone that reads this fully grasps it, takes it to heart, and applies it:

Life isn't about doing what you're supposed to. Life is about doing what makes YOU happy.

I want you to think about that for the next couple days.

On Wednesday, I'm going to do a follow up, explaining more why I feel this way and why I think it's important that everyone should feel this way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so true..
thank you